Voice and Swallowing Clinic in Western Suburb in Mumbai | Swar Voice & Swallowing Clinic

Stroboscopy System is the Gold Standard Investigation for Voice Change . Now we are the SECOND in the whole of Mumbai to have THE BEST OLYMPUS FLEXIBLE STROBOSCOPY SYSTEM AT BORIVALI.
Dedicated state-of -the art VOICE AND SWALLOWING CENTER
At BORIVALI WEST under Dr. Binhi Desai

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Vocal cord cysts are growths that have a sac around a fluid-filled or semisolid center. These are less common than vocal cord nodules and polyps. There are two types of vocal cord cysts, mucus retention cysts and epidermoid (or sebaceous) cysts. Cysts are not typically associated with overuse of the voice or vocal fold trauma.

Vocal cord lesions also can be caused by using the voice while one is sick with an upper respiratory infection or laryngitis.