Voice and Swallowing Clinic in Western Suburb in Mumbai | Swar Voice & Swallowing Clinic

Stroboscopy System is the Gold Standard Investigation for Voice Change . Now we are the SECOND in the whole of Mumbai to have THE BEST OLYMPUS FLEXIBLE STROBOSCOPY SYSTEM AT BORIVALI.
Dedicated state-of -the art VOICE AND SWALLOWING CENTER
At BORIVALI WEST under Dr. Binhi Desai

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Vocal cord polyps are different from nodules because they can occur on either one or both vocal cords. They tend to be more vascularized than nodules, meaning they have more blood vessels and appear reddish in color. These growths can vary in size and shape, but are usually larger than nodules and resemble blisters. Like vocal cord nodules, polyps can be caused by overuse or misuse of the voice, but can also be caused by a single episode of vocal abuse (such as yelling at a sports event). Another type of vocal cord polyp, polypoid corditis (Reinke’s edema), is associated almost exclusively with smoking.

Both vocal cord nodules and polyps can be caused by different forms of trauma, including singing (particularly in professional singers), screaming, cheerleading, and excessive talking (such as that by a teacher, coach, salesperson or radio personality). Other causes include extra muscle tension when speaking, smoking, alcohol use, sinusitis, allergies, and rarely, hypothyroidism.