Voice and Swallowing Clinic in Western Suburb in Mumbai | Swar Voice & Swallowing Clinic

Stroboscopy System is the Gold Standard Investigation for Voice Change . Now we are the SECOND in the whole of Mumbai to have THE BEST OLYMPUS FLEXIBLE STROBOSCOPY SYSTEM AT BORIVALI.
Dedicated state-of -the art VOICE AND SWALLOWING CENTER
At BORIVALI WEST under Dr. Binhi Desai

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Sulcus vocalis is a voice disorder that causes perpetual hoarseness, vocal weakness and voice fatigue. The condition results from a thinning or loss of a layer of tissue along the vocal cord (vocal fold) called the superficial lamina propria.

This layer of tissue normally vibrates during the production of sound. When it diminishes or disappears, a linear indentation called a sulcus is formed along the affected vocal cord and the patient has difficulty speaking. The raspy voice quality produced may ebb and flow, but will be ongoing without treatment.