Voice and Swallowing Clinic in Western Suburb in Mumbai | Swar Voice & Swallowing Clinic

Stroboscopy System is the Gold Standard Investigation for Voice Change . Now we are the SECOND in the whole of Mumbai to have THE BEST OLYMPUS FLEXIBLE STROBOSCOPY SYSTEM AT BORIVALI.
Dedicated state-of -the art VOICE AND SWALLOWING CENTER
At BORIVALI WEST under Dr. Binhi Desai

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Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is the total interruption of nerve impulse, resulting in no movement; paresis is the partial interruption of nerve impulse, resulting in weak or abnormal motion of laryngeal muscles.

Paresis/paralysis can happen at any age, from birth to advanced age, in males and females, from a variety of causes. The effect on patients may vary greatly, depending on the patient’s use of his or her voice: A mild vocal fold paresis can be the end to a singer’s career, but have only a marginal effect on a computer programmer. If you notice any change in your voice quality, immediately contact an otolaryngologist – head and neck surgeon.