Voice and Swallowing Clinic in Western Suburb in Mumbai | Swar Voice & Swallowing Clinic

Stroboscopy System is the Gold Standard Investigation for Voice Change . Now we are the SECOND in the whole of Mumbai to have THE BEST OLYMPUS FLEXIBLE STROBOSCOPY SYSTEM AT BORIVALI.
Dedicated state-of -the art VOICE AND SWALLOWING CENTER
At BORIVALI WEST under Dr. Binhi Desai

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Swallowing Clinic

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Many patients who suffer neurological events like stroke, transient neurological deficits encounter swallowing difficulties. Also patients who have been treated for malignancy in the oropharyngeal and laryngopharyngeal region present with complaints of swallowing. The Swallowing Clinic aims to provide help for these patients.

These patients are subjected to a Functional endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) along with various dynamics involved in swallowing (nasal cannula, EMG, cervical auscultation, tongue array) to determine the exact cause of swallowing difficulty and then treated accordingly.